Do you come here often?

Publication date 2009 Topics Single women -- Fiction, Single women Publisher London : Hodder Collection internetarchivebooks; inlibrary; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Language English Item Size 818.2M

440 pages ; 20 cm

Life's full of surprises. Grace never expected to wake up on her thirty-first birthday and realise that Mr Right had turned into Mr Wrong. She never expected to break off her engagement. But then she never expected to go on honeymoon with her ex-boyfriend either. Set against a backdrop of a late-night radio show hosted by Dr Cupid who promises to sort out the love lives of his listeners, this is a romantic comedy that looks at what it's like to be single again, about finding true love and how it can all get very, very complicated

Originally published: London: Black Swan, 2004


Inherent cut off text on some pages.

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