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ADVERTISEMENTPeople are the sort of creatures who always try to see the worst in things, and we are definitely the first ones to point out any and every flaw we see. Sometimes we love to complain so much, that we do so even if there's no need to, but in the cases below, the people got so burned with customer service or products they've bought, they had all the rights to state their displeasures in customer complaints.
Whether they've ordered a steak cooked medium rare, and it comes out medium or realized once they got home from the supermarket that the cashier has charged twice for something, we've all had some reason or other to make a bad consumer review. But as you can see from this hilarious list of product reviews compiled by Bored Panda, some people's criticisms are more serious than others. Like the funny story where persons' dog turned pink after washing it with Tesco's pet shampoo for example. Or the person who got their testicle trapped in a piece of IKEA furniture. Also, the many counts of inappropriately funny service clients got. Scroll down for more hilarious customer complaint and worst best service examples at their finest.
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